We went to ABT this weekend to start the hunt for energy star appliances. I'm glad to report that there are a lot of options and ABT is a great place to go check them all out. We had a very helpful sales lady who really listened to what we wanted and pointed us in the right directions... and they offer fresh baked cookies and coffee! With my list in hand I'm going to shop around for the best price, but I have a feeling we will end up back there. I know it seems a little early to start shopping before we've even knocked down the old house, but we like to have things ready for the bidding process. Tony and I are good about making decisions and sticking to them. We are confident in our choices and rarely second guess ourselves. It makes the process go a lot smoother. Making decisions early in the process also helps with scheduling. Keeping things on time helps things go smoothly so we can move in just that much sooner. Also, we left the kids at home so no "I'm so bored" whinning and it was fun hanging out with Tony for the afternoon. :)